Pirate Pip at Bathtime – A Bedtime Story by Danyah Miller

Sep 10, 2015

Once upon a time there was a little girl called Pippa. She had curly blond hair and a big broad smile.
Pippa’s favourite colour was ?……
Her favourite song was ?……..
and her favourite food was?……..
her favourite animal was?………
Pippa had a baby brother called Alex and he was her favourite brother…..
Pippa’s favourite time of the day was bath-time. Because she was a big girl her bath time was sometimes after her baby brother was already in bed asleep. On these special days mummy would sit on the floor next to the bath and tell her a story.
‘Let’s have a bath mummy’ called Pippa. ‘Come on darling, upstairs’ replied her mummy. She had a bowl in her hand, this was a very special day, the day before Pippa’s birthday so mummy brought her favourite; a bowl of cherries. Yum!
Pippa began to take off her clothes, she was dressed like a pirate….her socks were yellow (well one was blue), her shorts came down below her knees and were made of canvas (just like the sails on a boat) she took off her blue and white stripy top and her red and white spotty bandana. She put a toe in the water to check it was not too warm and not too cold. Nice! in she jumped and some of the soapy bubbles jumped out. Pippa giggled. Mummy always began with a verse

Pirate Pip sailed the seven seas
And fed her crew on cake and peas
She sailed one day when the sky was blue
And high in the air the seagulls flew
They sailed and sailed without a rest
For Pirate Pip had a map of a hidden treasure chest

‘I’m ready to sail away mummy’ cried Pippa.
Mummy began…….

Once upon a time Pirate Pip jumped onto her Pirate Ship, The Fortune, and sailed away.
‘Nipperkin Rapscallion!” she said ‘There’s no wind today, what shall we do?’
Just then Trebor, a giant turtle, swam up to the ship. He was a friend of Pirate Pip’s. “I’ll help you” said Trebor.
Pip tied a rope around Trebor’s middle and he pulled The Fortune along towards treasure Island.
Pirate Pip spotted another ship close by, ‘Ahoy there me hearties’ he said.
Captain Alex called out ‘I am going to treasure Island but there is no wind, what shall I do?
‘We’ll help you, that’s where we are going too” called Pirate Pip.
Trebor pulled both ships, he was strong.
Soon they arrived at treasure Island.
‘We’ll find the treasure chest” called Pirate Pip, “but first let’s have a picnic”
‘Yum!’ said Pirate Alex They had cherries and …… and ……. and ……
After the picnic they searched for the treasure chest and there it was under the shade of a coconut tree. They drank coconut milk and looked inside the chest, where they found……. A large Lemon Cake.
Pirate Pip shared a slice with Pirate Alex, a slice for Trebor and she took the rest home to share with her mummy!

Pirate Pip sailed the seven seas
And fed her crew on cake and peas
She sailed one day when the sky was blue
And high in the air the seagulls flew
They sailed and sailed without a rest
For Pirate Pip had a map of a hidden treasure chest

‘Another story mummy’ cried Pippa ‘Out you get!’ said mummy. She held up a big fluffy white towel and Pippa dived into it, head first. They both giggled.

‘Where has Pirate Pip gone’ sang mummy, hiding her daughter in all the folds of the towel
‘Here I am’ replied Pippa lifting her head up out of the towel.
‘Again, again Hide away, hide away, hide away…. Where have all the pirates gone?

This game went on for ages until Pippa fell back into her mummy’s arms and they snuggled up. Time to clean your teeth now my little Pirate, said mummy. Then Pippa snuggled back down as mummy sang

At evening as you go to bed
You see the stars shine over head
They are the little daisies white
That dot the meadow of the night

Pippa fell fast asleep. And guess what she dreamt about all night………. PIRATES!